Monday, June 24, 2013

Blogger Navbar Not Accessible

Inside Higher Ed has a piece today about accessibility in online courses being the instructor's responsibility.  I was going to post something about that in response.  In the process of doing some of my preliminary investigation, it occurred to me to test accessibility of this blog, Lanny on Learning Technology.  So I did a Google search on web accessibility tools and followed the first link, an ad for AMP Express.  It has a free report done by a robot.  (I think they will solicit me for a paid service later, C'est la vie.)  Below is a screen shot of the one I got.

A report on how the Website Lanny on Learning Technology does on accessibility
Accessibility Report

It appears I'm boom or bust on this.  One of the violations is about text equivalents.  It would be nice if the Blogger tool for images put in a prompt for alt text right after the image was uploaded.  Currently it does not do that.  It does give you the option afterward to click on Properties and then it will give the prompt.  Or one can go into the html and insert that manually.  Mostly, I don't do either of these.  Mea culpa.

The next issue is Properly Title Frames.  I had no idea what was being referred to here.  So I clicked on the link item to get more detail.  Below is a screen shot of the first line of the report.

The first line of a report on Properly Label Frames
Properly Label Frames

Tracking this down, I went to the post it referred to called, Checking your work, and looked at the html for that post.  There was no iframe in that.  Then it occurred to me to look at the html for the Template of the blog.  There was no iframe in that either.  Then I opened the Web page for that post and checked page source.  Again, there was no iframe.

So after puzzling about this for a while longer, it occurred to me to right click on the Navbar of the blog.  (This is the bar at the top that has the Blogger logo and the search blog tool.)  When you do that a menu appears.  I selected the bottom most item, Inspect element.  It produces the html for the Navbar.  Sure enough, the exact text in the description can be found there.

This is something the blog owner has no control of.  And the Navbar is useful to folks who come to blog.  The right answer isn't to get rid of the Navbar.  It is to get the proper labeling there.

Folks at Google, can you get on it asap?

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