Thursday, November 25, 2010

And Then There Were None*

*A movie from the Agatha Christie story

iscal drain in Spain,
Falls mainly on the brain.

Conservatives are prone to give very short shrift,
To the concept we know as the paradox of thrift.

The middle class had their day, before the revolution.
But income inequality got in their way, which spoiled their constitution.

Instead of blowing hot air the big bad wolf foreclosed on the house with a huff and a puff,
By the hair of his chinny chin chin, thereafter life for the little pig became very rough.

Without the FDIC,
A penny saved is a penny burned.

Down payment is dandy.
But leverage is quicker.

I do not like greenbacks paid to Uncle Sam.
I'm for tax reduction, Sam I Am.

Yankee Doodle went for peace and paid a lot of moan-ee.
Too bad he didn't know the Taliban leader, who turned out to be a phony.

Hi, said the multi-billionaire fat cat, I'll tell you the reason that.
The reason the country's lurched to the right, is from our stealthy funding that gave all a good fright.

There was an old lady who swallowed a horse,
And of reading the Times Op-Ed, she's had a divorce.

* * * * *

Of bad news, and giving thanks.
Today is not the day for elaborate pranks.
I'd like to wish all my readers good cheer.
By offering up lame rhymes instead of spreading more fear.

Happy Holidays.

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